Friday, February 12, 2016

Spring Cleaning Your Water Feature, What To Know

Spring is just over a month away and many people are anxious to get back to the days of sitting by their water feature and being soothed by the sounds of the flowing or babbling water.  For most of our water feature clients they must first have their water feature professionally cleaned before that moment of relaxation commences.  What is a spring cleaning and what do I mean by a water feature, you ask?

At Poseidon Ponds and Landscaping we prefer to use the phrase water feature because it allows us to encompass a wide variety of styles and functions.  Here is a list that will help you further understand why we use the phrase, water feature.

Water Feature Styles: 
Ecosystem pond constructed by Poseidon Ponds & Landscaping
 of Dexter, Michigan in Chelsea, Michigan.

The styles of water features have many trade names and can often be confused with one another.  Each water feature style has somewhat of a unique way to be maintained, so when consulting with a professional about your water feature be very specific about your water feature and be sure to share many pictures with them so that your needs are being fully and properly addressed.  The incorrect methods could spell disaster in many ways but mainly on the pocketbook.

Many water feature styles such as fountains, fountainscapes, formal ponds and pondless waterfalls are meant to not only sound great but to look spotless as well.  During the course of a season, weather, nature and other factors will cause debris build up, stains and plenty of rank odors.  A full spring cleaning returns your water feature to its former glory and kicks of the warm season the right way.

 Other water feature styles like the ecosystem pond or hydroponic system work with 5 key components (mechanical and biological filtration, pumps and plumbing, rocks and gravel, aquatic plants and fish) and over cleaning them will offset the balance so a full spring cleaning may not be the best method.
EcoSystem pond cleaning in
 AnnArbor, Michigan done by
  PoseidonPonds & Landscaping's
Pond PreservationProgram.
While many people fear cleaning a balanced water feature like an ecosystem pond it is very important that if one of 5 key components is not in balance that it gets fixed.When one is not balanced then the others will begin to fail as well.  This is often the case when we take calls at Poseidon Ponds & Landscaping where the homeowner is experiencing high levels of algae or cloudy water conditions.  Our Pond Preservation Program is designed to not only help correct the issues of our clients water feature but to also help educate them on ways to balance their system by targeting the source of the problem and not just masking it.

The Poseidon Pond Mann wearing the algae
killer mask during a PondPreservation Program
pond maintenance visit in Milan, Michigan. 
Masking it, what am I talking about?  Well for years and years the water
feature industry has generated an approach to the presence of algae as an item to quickly address and remove immediately. The industry as a whole makes tons of money from the sales of algae killers often referred to as, algaecides.  Don't get me wrong, the need for a good algae killer is often needed if the situation is out of control but it is still masking why the algae is there in the first place.  I will save the details for a later blog but the quick answer is, the algae is a problem because the balance is off somewhere and that source, whether too much nutrients or not enough aquatic plants, should be addressed.  The algae killer mask will wear off eventually and the result will be a higher nutrient load with more organic debris build up and in almost all cases even more algae the next time.

As you have read there are many different styles of water features and many different approaches to performing a spring cleaning.  The good news is that Poseidon Ponds & Landscaping can do all the dirty work for you but also provide the education and information for the avid gardeners and pond enthusiast to clean their water feature themselves. Remember this line, "Water features are meant to be enjoyed and provide a relaxing environment so if you find yourself hating yours and stressed out, something isn't right."  Owning a water feature is not rocket science and with a little guidance it is quite enjoyable.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today. Please be sure to visit www.poseidonponds for more details and helpful tips or visit our social media pages on facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest and google+

Appreciatively Yours,
Poseidon Pond Mann
Cory Mann      

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